Saturday, February 15, 2020

What is the role of graduate education in preparing nurses to meet the Personal Statement

What is the role of graduate education in preparing nurses to meet the health needs of our society - Personal Statement Example A lot of diligence and ethical discipline is expected of them. A nurse therefore must have knowledge and skills that are geared towards to performing of duties diligently. Graduate education instills skills that enable a nurse to give care to the patient based on theoretical and practical knowledge. In addition, a nurse is a decision maker and skills attained from a graduate education enables the nurse to think critically in assessing patients and helps in the evaluation of the patient’s problem. In enabling the nurse to discern what is best for the patient, it helps in determining the best course of action. Communication between the nurse and the patient is crucial and barriers in communication can delay the healing process. Graduate education trains the nurse on ways to communicate effectively with the patient and the family members. These techniques can help in improving the healthcare environment. Moreover, graduate education teaches a nurse on how to play the role of teacher in educating the patient more about their health, illness, and medication (Grigg, 2007). As a teacher, the nurse teaches the patient on how to deal with the challenges that come with the illness and may need to instruct the family members on ways to care for the patient after being discharged from the hospital. Motivation of patients is a major focus that graduates education emphasis on. It trains nurses to stimulate, motivate, and to work as a team with fellow colleagues and with the patients. To devote time to listen to patients with a positive attitude and encouraging them assists with the healing process of the patient Furthermore, nursing is a sensitive field of profession; it requires the maintenance of good conduct and observance of the standard code of ethics as the core part of training in graduate education. It trains the nurse to prioritize the patients’ health first and to carry out the process of care giving diligently. It trains

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Network Management - Quiz 9 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Network Management - Quiz 9 - Assignment Example This is supportive when devices are of distant locations possessing varied IP addresses. Furthermore, VPN server provides cost benefits to the organisations operating in the technology sector (Senft, Gallegos & Davis, 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). It is to be affirmed that when the message leaves program X in the form of a packet, the Destination IP field of the packet’s header contained 14 IP fields. In this regard, 13 fields are required to be considered and the 14th field is optional (Senft et al., 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). When the message leaves program X in the form of a packet, it is worth mentioning that the Destination Port field of the packet’s header comprises destination IP address. It must be mentioned that the packet’s header does not contain any destination name (Senft et. al., 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). Based on the provided scenario, it can be affirmed that when the message leaves program X in the form of a packet, the payload of the packet is not encrypted. This might be owing to the reason that the server program of Y executed on the application server is deemed to be a readable one (Senft et. al., 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). With regards to the provided scenario, the program Z could be reckoned as Message Transfer Agent. Message Transfer Agent is a type of software, which transfers electronic messages from one particular device to others (Senft et. al., 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). After the Message Transfer Agent i.e. Z gets the packet, it will work upon the message transfer process for ensuring that the messages are transmitted from one specific user to others (Senft et. al., 2012; Ray & Acharya, 2004). In the process of message transfer from X to Y, the Message Transfer Agent i.e. Z needs to let the VPN server TO authenticate Alice. In this regard, it is essential that Z must require sending information to Administrative Management Domain (ADMD). ADMD is denoted as Z in the