Monday, September 9, 2019

Definition of the words Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Definition of the words - Assignment Example The Painting is part of Church in Convent of Santa Maria in Milan (Ladwein, 13). It has an historic precedence to the times of Jesus Christ, exactly on the evening where Jesus along with his followers shared a dinner. Stage: Stage is that part of the theater where the actors perform their roles. Stage can be arranged and organized in multiple ways, with curtain covering the backend unit. Stage is mounted part of theater that is visible from all angles of the theater. Semiotics: Semiotics/ Semiology is a theory, and philosophy related to the study of signs and signals. In art it is the deciphering of the message from the silent image that may not be clearly evident and comprehendible to the ordinary observation. It is the study of art and architecture in form of the signals and signs interpretation. Fresco: A specialized form of painting that is performed over the fresh plaster. It is associated with the mural form of painting. Water colors are used over the wet plaster which later on dries up to hold their shape and design. Perspective: A technique in drawing and design, in which multiple parallel lines are shown to converge. It embodies the 2-D image on a 2-D frame . Linear and aerial perspectives are two predominant patterns used in this regard. The pioneers of this art are Leon Baptista Alberti and Filippo

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