Monday, December 23, 2019

Understanding Community Policing - 718 Words

Community policing encompasses two-way communication between the local population and the police. Main concerns are defined by the community, and the community plays a crucial part in the modeling and executing locally appropriate and acceptable solutions to its problems within the community. Community policing is basically non police officers or civilians that monitor and voice concerns about neighborhood crime. They talk about public safety issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime. Joint partnerships between the police and the community they serve to develop solutions to problems and increase trust in police. Community policing, knowing that police rarely can solve public safety problems alone, boosts interactive partnerships with relevant stakeholders. The range of prospective partners is great and these partnerships can be used to reach the two combined goals of developing answers to problems through joint problem solving and improving public trust. The public sho uld play a vital role in arranging public safety problems. The community policing idea stresses on the way that departments are organized and managed and how the organization can be changed to support the moral shift behind community policing. It promotes the use of modern supervision practices to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Community policing emphasizes changes in organizational structures to institutionalize its adoption and infuse it throughout the entire department, including theShow MoreRelatedCommunity Policing And Community Crime1578 Words   |  7 Pages Community Policing and Community Crime Mackenzie L. Goehl Culver-Stockton College November 2015 Introduction Community policing is values that encourages organizational approaches such as strategies and policies. Community policing advises all parts of police business and also supports problem-solving practices. Community policing consist of strategies, tactics, and values. 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