Thursday, January 9, 2020

Biological, Psychological, And Social Factors - 1505 Words

A bio-psychosocial describes an approach systematically considers biological, psychological, and social factors and their complex interactions in understanding health, illness, and health care delivery. Biological factors include defective biological processes compounds that lead to biological dysfunction and illness. Psychological factors are about the individual’s emotions, behavior, and mental processes. Social factors include social status and relations. These factors are all considered in an attempt to understand the underlying factors of such disease. Sigmund Freud would consider the social factors in their theories. Behavioral and environmental psychologists ignore the developmental, biological or psychological aspect of the individual and argue that a human person learns to control their direct environment in relation to their situations; learning their behaviors with the surroundings their in. Without combination of other approaches to psychological problems, it is complicated to help any person with the behavioral model. This is because helping a patient to learn positively rewarding stimuli without understanding or considering factors like background or biological factor could be meaningless. Biological approach gives focus on genetically inheritance and the internal body state of any individual. This could be a good perspective in understanding such problems, but it cannot be entirely relied upon to explain certain problems. A better approach that would coverShow MoreRelatedSocial Psychological And Biological Factors1709 Wo rds   |  7 Pagesadulthood. This will be shown through relevant theories for example Robert Agnews theory on adolescent peak in offending and also with reference to recent research from theorists like (Laub and Sampson, 2003) , which explain how through social psychological and biological factors can be a trigger for crime among youths. Also importantly discussing how the youths in transition impact crime rates within youths and official statistics on crime rates. Whilst also going on to discuss why offending declines forRead MoreAn Analysis Of Her Dynamic Systems And The Interrelatedness Between Biological, Social, Psychological, And Developmental Factors1189 Words   |  5 Pagesinterrelatedness between the biological, social, psychological, and developmental factors, reveals that Emma has had major deficiencies, effecting her early/middle childhood life span development. Thus, the traumas in which Emma has experienced, will nevertheless negatively affect her continued develop ment into adulthood, if her undesired, aggressive behaviors do not produce successful and consistent interventions. II. Major Factors Emma’s assessment includes an examination of major factors, such as bio andRead MoreDiscuss the Importance and Interplay of Social, Psychological and Biological Factors in the Course of Heroin Addiction. 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Although evidence is proving this true, the debate about whether biology or psychology causes crimes continues to linger. Biological factors still play a minor role in determining what causes the criminal to act out, but psychological evidence proves more cases as time progresses. Psychological evidenceRead MoreWhy People Commit Crime Is Not An Easy Task1105 Words   |  5 Pagesand the factors that flow with them. Criminologists have developed many theories or perspectives of crime. The perspectives recognize the cause of crime by the related qualifies of criminals and populations with high crime rates. Two perspectives of crime stood out from the wide variety, biological and psychological. In some cases biological and psychological explanations of crime run hand in hand, however the two perspectives focus on very different products of criminal behavior. 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This paper compares the biomedical approach to the biopsychosoc ial model in healthcare, specifically in regards to diabetes. This article provides information concerning biological, psychological and social factors and their importance when treating a diabetic

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